BE BRAVEI accept that I'm imperfect, awesome, and unique. Who I am and what I'm about is more important than others' opinions or my own inner dialogue. I seek to understand myself and express the things that make me different. My difference is the key to that which makes me great.
BE AUTHENTIC Honesty is my only language. I will stay genuine to others and my values. I realize it's a standard most won't share but the friends I make will matter. Social media likes do not define me.
TAKE OWNERSHIP I am a leader. No one is ever to blame but me. I take ownership of all the shortcomings, chores, breakups, and successes in my life. Others' weaknesses do not deter me and I have no time for excuses. The person with all the responsibility naturally delegates it to others. Therefore I am THE BOSS.
BE OPTIMISTIC Optimism is how I dream BIG. I can rely on it. It's the light that shines even in the most dire times. It keeps me positive and curious. It leads me to my biggest failures which teach me important lessons of self growth. Two words, "Bring it!"
Time is the only resource I can never get back. I dare to turn off my notifications and explore more. The world is a playground for individualists and inspirational freaks. As long as the spirit of this manifesto still exists inside me, I am empowered to test life's boundaries and see what impact I can create.
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