This what you can expect when interacting w/ Shirtwascash.
We aim to lead by example and embody these values in our communities. It is our hope that you experience, try them out, and become confident sharing some of these ideals with others.
Once you have fixed on you governing principles, you must hold onto them as laws that you cannot transgress. Pay no heed to what is said of you for it is beyond your control.
Epictetus - Encheiridon 50.
Community Values
IF THESE MEMES ARE ACCEPTED BY THE MAJORITY AS TRUTH we believe the sentiment of conversation we see online will improve.
We believe these COMMON VALUES help improve the internet.
- EVERYONE IS A HUMAN BEING FIRST and should be treated as such, even if they do not act like it or return the favor.
- WE ARE INDIVIDUALS that ignore bullshit labels, oversimplified judgement, thinly-veiled attacks, virtue signals, or outward expectation.
- HUMOR, RELIGION, EDUCATION AND SCIENCE PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN SOCIETY and must be given freedom to be politically incorrect, ask sensitive questions, and test ideas.
REAL DIVERSITY ISN'T SAMETHINK and respects eachothers' differences. We prefer rational original thought.
WE CHOOSE QUALITY and use our limited resources to maximize freedom, security, longevity, and well-being.
SUCCESS IS BUILT TOGETHER through mutually beneficial relationships. Win-win outcomes are a choice.
EVERYONE IS REDEEMABLE. Life is meant to allow for growth and change. It is unjust to irrevocably commit judgement on a persons' character based on their interests, a phase of their life, non-repeated mistakes, differing ideas, or any specific written or uttered phrase.
Remember, we are human and imperfect too.
Let's hang out.